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😊 Thank you for joining #MedSafetyWeek 💊

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 😊 This is the last day of #MedSafetyWeek 💊
 but we still need your help to make medicines safer for everyone 🤝

  😊 Ini adalah hari terakhir #MedSafetyWeek 💊
Walau bagaimanapun kami masih memerlukan bantuan anda untuk menjadikan ubat lebih selamat untuk semua 🤝



When you report a side effect 📝
👉 make sure you fill in the reporting form with ✅ all the details about 💊 the medicine you are taking and 💫 the symptoms you are experiencing.

🔎 This will make it easier for us to investigate the side effects of the medicine 💡



 Apabila anda melaporkan kesan sampingan📝
👉 pastikan anda mengisi borang pelaporan dengan  semua butiran mengenai 💊 ubat yang diambil dan 💫 gejala telah dialami.

🔎 Ini akan memudahkan kami menyiasat kesan sampingan yang dilaporkan tersebut 💡



Thank you for reporting to the NPRA (👉 as a healthcare professional or 👉 a consumer) through 🌐
For consumers, you are encouraged to first discuss with your healthcare providers regarding the adverse events before reporting directly to NPRA. 

Terima kasih kerana melaporkan kepada NPRA (👉 sebagai anggota kesihatan atau 👉 pengguna) melalui 🌐
Bagi pengguna, anda digalakkan untuk berbincang dahulu dengan anggota kesihatan berkenaan kesan sampingan yang dialami sebelum membuat laporan.



#MedSafetyWeek #ReportSideEffects #PatientSafety





National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA)

Lot 36, Jalan Universiti (Jalan Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz), 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

  • Phone: +603-7883 5400




The Government of Malaysia and the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the usage of any information obtained from this website.

Site Last Modified

  • Last Modified: Khamis 17 Oktober 2024, 10:02:17.
© Copyright 2018 . All Rights Reserved National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency NPRA


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